Some people are born knowing the act of seduction, some grow into it and others learn this skill. It’s not enough to look handsome or sexy, your style and carriage have to be enchanting to make people fall for you.
Winning a girl’s heart might seem hard in the beginning but once you have a foot in the door, the rest pretty much works itself out. The mistake most guys make is thinking every girl wants you to shower her right away with expensive gifts and take her on expensive dates while that might fetch you a gold digger, it is not the way to go with that special girl you’ve been eyeing.
A girl who is worth your time and your heart is one who would pay attention to you when you start doing the right things that make her heart smile. If you are thinking she’s way out of league or too pretty for you, remember there are ugly men who date the most beautiful girls.
Here are healthy ways to flirt with a girl that will make her fall for you.
1. Don’t overdo it

Desperation is unattractive to everyone. Let your intention be known but don’t shower with unwanted attention that will make her feel caged by you. Play it cool.
2. Maintain strong eye contact

The eyes are the windows of the soul. If you are looking to connect and win her heart then you should look deep into her eyes. This will not only increase your loving potential but will make her think of you as a guy who wants more than just her body.
3. Make the first move

Women love a confident guy. If you want to win her, you should show her you can recognize what you want and go for it. It is the best way to impress any girl.
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