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Immorality - A sign of the end time - Dr. Paul Enenche

Welcome to Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional written by Pastor Paul Enenche

Pastor Paul Enenche - Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional

TOPIC: Immorality - A Sign Of The End Time

TODAY: Tuesday 18 April, 2017

SCRIPTURE:  Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. 1 Corinthians 6:18 (NIV)
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Immorality is the sponsor of calamity; fornication is the foundation for destruction.
The Bible has made it clear that immorality is one of the epidemics that foster the destruction and extermination of a generation. It was the escalation of immorality in Sodom and Gomorrah that led to the wiping off of that civilization.
Immorality is the sponsor of calamity; fornication is the foundation for destruction.
The truth is, our generation has been plagued with the vice of immorality. If you switch on the television set, you will encounter immoral suggestions on almost every available secular channel. Today, you see half-naked ladies hovering all over the streets looking for people to seduce. Today, it is part of protocol duties for some government officials to arrange seductive ladies for top government executives and visiting dignitaries from outside their duty location and other countries. Today, it is common knowledge that perverse sexual conducts have been legalized in some parts of the world; man does not only have to commit immorality with a woman, but with his fellow man, likewise woman to woman; man to animal; matured adult with a little child, etc.
What a perverse generation! satan is out to set all manner of immoral traps for God’s children in this end time.
Beloved, to live carelessly in this generation is to end as a casualty of satanic weapons of destruction.
But you shall not be a casualty, in Jesus’ Name.
Remember this: Immorality is the sponsor of calamity; fornication is the foundation for destruction 
1. Flee from sexual immorality or the appearance(s) of same. 
2. Build your spirit man with the Word of God in order to overcome the dominance of the flesh in you. 
3. Ask God daily for His grace at the place of prayer to overcome the schemes of satan in this end time.
PRAYER: O LORD, I ask for the grace to urgently flee all immoral appearances. I deflate the powers of the flesh in my life by the Blood of Jesus.  Grant me the grace, O LORD to say ‘NO’ to sin at all times, in Jesus’ Name.
DAILY READING: Joshua 16:1 to 18:28, Luke 19:1 to 27, Psalm 87:1 to 7, Proverbs 13:11
QUOTE: The decency of your spirit affects the outcome of your destiny; to be correct at heart is to be correct in life. Culled from 365 WISDOM CAPSULES by Dr Paul Enenche 
AMAZING FACT: The longest time between twins being born is 87 days.
TODAY IN HISTORY: 18/04/1876 - Daniel O'Leary completed a 500 mile walk in 139 hrs 32 min.

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