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The Destiny of Greed - Dr. Paul Enenche

Pastor Paul Enenche - Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional

Welcome to Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional written by Pastor Paul Enenche

TOPIC: The Destiny Of Greed

TODAY: Wednesday 19 April, 2017

SCRIPTURE: But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. 1 Timothy 6:9
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: There is no destiny for the greedy and there is no future for the covetous.
Greed is an overwhelming or rapacious urge to have something especially money. Greed is an unconquered and selfish quest to get more, irrespective of who gets hurt. 
The truth is, there is no destiny for the greedy and there is no future for the covetous. To focus on money is to crash in destiny. 
The love of mammon has made many monuments. Achan lost his life on the altar of greed (Joshua 7:1-26). The calamity of Gehazi was rooted in his greed (1 Kings 5:20-27). Judas Iscariot punctured his destiny on the frequency of greed. Imagine this, what level of desperation would make a man sell his Master, his Saviour and the Saviour of the whole world? Unknown to him, it was a set-up for his damnation. No wonder he died like a mad-dog and lost his place in time and in eternity. 
Beloved, greed is the foundation for destruction. If you must have a future on earth and an eternity with God, you must embrace CONTENTMENT.
I prophesy on you the grace to overcome the spirit of greed, in Jesus’ Name.
Remember this: There is no destiny for the greedy and there is no future for the covetous.
1. Determine to be contented with what you have per time.
2. Ask God daily for the grace to consistently defeat the spirit of greed.
PRAYER: O LORD, I thank You for Your Word to me today. Uproot every root of greed and covetousness from my life and baptize me LORD with the spirit of contentment, Lord in Jesus’ Name. 
DAILY READING: Joshua 19:1 to 20:9, Luke 19:28 to 48, Psalm  88:1 to 18, Proverbs 13:12 to 14.
QUOTE: If you have no control over your desire, then, you cannot have control over your life. Culled from 22 LAWS OF LIFE, VOLUME TWO by Dr Paul Enenche.
AMAZING FACT: At birth, babies do not have kneecaps. When babies are born, they have 300 bones but adults have 206 bones.
TODAY IN HISTORY: 19/04/1971 – Sierra Leone became a republic.

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