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The End of Time - Dr. Paul Enenche

Pastor Paul Enenche - Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional

Welcome to Seeds of Destiny Daily Devotional written by Pastor Paul Enenche

TOPIC: The End Of Time

TODAY: Monday 17 April, 2017

Scripture: …the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Revelation 12:12b

Thought For The Day: Every day that passes draws us closer to the end of the age.

The Scripture makes it clear that the world will come to end one day. From the rampancy of strange events in the world today, it is apparent that we are already in the last days of the world. The world is climaxing to an end. Every day that passes draws us closer to the end of the age.

The truth is, since the devil knows that he has but a short time, there is an escalation of satanic activities. This is not to scare us but to make us take heed to ourselves and escape eternal damnation. It is to make us live ready for Christ’s soon coming.

One of the devil’s weapons in this end time is the multiplicity of wickedness or loveless-ness in the hearts of people. Today, you see brothers killing brothers; a child taking the life of the mother that gave birth to him; a young man at the peak of his life being suddenly cut short by witchcraft arrow of death. What a wicked world!

The aim of satan is to cut lives short especially when they are not prepared for heaven.

My counsel is, determine to keep the love of God alive in your heart; love for God and love for people. When you do that, you have defeated the satanic device of the end time.

You will not end up in hell, in Jesus’ Name.

Remember this: Every day that passes draws us closer to the end of the age.

Assignment (S):
1. Always live in the consciousness that we are in the last days.
2. Determine to fill your heart daily with love for God and love for people.
3. Adjust whatever needs to be adjusted in your life in order to be fit for rapture.

Prayer: LORD, thank You for Your Word to me today. I make demands on Your grace not to be a victim of satanic agenda in this end time. Overwhelm my heart with love for You and for people O LORD, in Jesus’ Name.


Daily Reading: Joshua 15:1 to 63, Luke 18:18 to 43, Psalm 86:1 to 17, Proverbs 13:9 to 10

Quote: Some people only know how to manufacture evil. They have the devil as their guide. The very name, ‘devil’ means designer of evil. Culled from WHO ARE YOU? by Dr Paul Enenche

Amazing Fact: Bed bugs are smart. They know to hide during the day and can tell when you are sleeping by the carbon dioxide you emit.

Today In History: 17/04/1982 Canada adopted its constitution.

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