Nineveh Again
Text: Nahum 1:1-10Key Verse:"But with an overrunning flood he will make an utter end of the place thereof and darkness shall pursue his enemies" (Nahum 1:8).
Two-times Prime Minister of United Kingdom, Winston Churchill, had this to say about human tendency, "Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. " This is a most unfortunate aspect of human failings. This is all-too-often so when men choose to be controlled by their passions rather than by reason.
The Ninevites who lived at about 600 years before the birth of Jesus Christ demonstrated this ugly reality. About 100 years before then, Nineveh, the powerful and wealthy capital of the Assyrian Empire, had their cup of iniquity full. Their wickedness had become so presumptuous and repulsive that God sent Prophet Jonah to cry against it. The people feared and repented massively and got God's pardon. The next time Nineveh featured in the Bible, its inhabitants had relapsed into grosser wickedness that the city was called "a bloody city, and full of lies and robbery. "
Thought for the day: Everyone that opposes or resists God is a decided loser.
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 CHRONICLES 1 - 4
Prophet Nahum declared divine judgment upon the city — a prophecy that got fulfilled not too long after. The content of this prophecy shows the futility of opposing the sovereign God, whose power is dreadfully felt in the heavens and earth.
Today, despite these glaring lessons from history, sinners, with unthinkable presumptuousness are waxing worse in their sin and openly confronting God. But, as was the case of all who imagined vain things against God and faced His irresistible wrath, He will make an awful end of all present rebellious men and women. Yet, His tender mercies and love will continue with those who trust and serve Him.
Thought for the day: Everyone that opposes or resists God is a decided loser.
Bible Reading in one Year: 2 CHRONICLES 1 - 4
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