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12 Partner-Pleasing Sex Tips

couple having sex

1. Ever try slo-mo s*x? "However long it takes him to perform the usual titillating tasks, tell him to make it take a loooong time," says Lisa Sussman, author of Satisfaction Guaranteed: 350 Best S*x Tips Ever (Carlton, 2003). "Give all your moves the same treatment -- make it take a good half-a-minute or longer to do what usually takes a second or two." The result? You'll suddenly discover loads of nerve-endings you never noticed before.

2. Try a new position. Don't give up, and don't feel stupid if you can't make a new position work! "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again," says Sussman. "Give it three attempts before you give up on something new. Remember, s*x is a skill, and sometimes you need practice!" Rehearsing a new position clothed, before you go full-throttle, can also prevent mid-s*x mishaps.

3. Set a goal. Make short-term goals for a long-term improvement in lovemaking. "If, as a two-person team, you decide, 'Let's try one new position a week!' or 'Let's double our lovemaking!', you'll find yourself inspired," says Sussman. The team aspect of it brings you closer, too.

4. Abstain. Believe it or not, not having s*x can be s*xy. "Ignore intercourse altogether for an evening or two," says Logan Levkoff, a sexologist and sexuality educator in New York City. "Try touching, exploring, and being sensual without the goal of penetration or orgasm. It'll make the act much more exciting when you do get back to it."

5. Give your guy direction. "Men don't have our parts, and they don't naturally know how to use them," says Levkoff. "Keep that in mind and give him a basic lesson in operating instructions." Don't be bossy, and keep it positive -- "I love it when you do X, and it'd be even better if you added Y" -- and he'll feel like a stud as his skills instantly improve.

6. Stay connected. Sexually, that is. Don't let "I'm not in the mood" turn into "get away from me." Your sexual connection is important. Obviously sometimes you can let yourself be off the hook, but "you should take care of him in some other way whenever possible," says Levkoff. "Remembering your husband's needs, even when you feel overwhelmed, will help you resist resentment and keep the sexual current between you even through the hard times."

7. Redefine your idea of lovemaking. It doesn't have to mean going all the way. "You can be sexual and touchy and erotic without committing to the entire act," says Levkoff. "It's possible for you both to be satisfied without penetration."

8. Develop a sexual language. "Some people can't talk dirty," says Levkoff. "And that's okay. You should try to find a new way to let your partner know what feels great in a way that's comfortable for you." It might be words, it might be moans, but figure out how to let him know you're loving every minute of it -- or at least which minutes you're loving.

9. Play games. You can turn teaching into a fun new game. "Play 'Do as I Do,'" say Em & Lo of, authors of S*x Etiquette for Ladies and Gentlemen (Plume Books, 2004). "That's when you touch your hubby in exactly the way you wish to be touched and he follows suit, working your way from the top of the head down." Not only do you learn more about each other's pleasure, but you might find something new you like. Bonus!

10. Learn to enjoy a quickie. "In the middle of the night, bring yourself to a super-sexy state," say Em & Lo. "Then wake your husband up for an impromptu session." The advantage here? You avert the usual quickie problem -- one of you feeling left out in the foreplay department. By giving yourself the foreplay, you both can jump to some fast fun.

11. See him with starry eyes. Remember: Your husband is still your boyfriend, with all the fun that implies. "Do not assume that just because you are in married, you cannot have it dirty," say Em & Lo. "The idea that marriage, monogamy, or even good manners is the end of dirty, throw-me-against-the-wall, taboo-busting sex is a tired, old myth that you should debunk on a regular basis."

12. Play naked charades. Get ready for your usual lovemaking, but then take turns acting out the sexy things you want to do to each other -- if he can guess what you want, he gets to do it! "Your silent but brazen invitation will raise his excitement barometer quite a few inches," says Olivia St. Claire, author of 302 Advanced Techniques for Driving a Man Wild in Bed (Harmony Publishing, 2002).

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