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Woman caught performing s*x in church


AN EXHIBITIONIST has been filmed putting on an X-rated ‘porn show’ in the grounds of a city centre church.

The naked woman is captured stripping off to perform a s*x act on herself before romping in broad daylight in a string of other locations across Sheffield.

The outrageous 30 minute video shows a woman with shoulder length brown hair stripping off to perform a s*x act on herself in the grounds of St Mary’s Church near Bramall Lane.

Another woman – behind the camera – films her brazen antics and comments on what she is doing.

The shocking clip also shows a woman named a ‘Janna’ using a s*x toy and flashing at various members of the public.

In the video, Janna tells the camera: “We are going to be undressing and doing all sorts of things in public”, while stood close to the Spearmint Rhino lap dancing club.


The woman, who actually admits to being nervous, is then filmed in several parts of the city centre in different outfits before either flashing or stripping off completely.
Source: The Sun

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