A YouTube star famous for promoting breastfeeding in her blog ‘Sophie’s Joy’ has been killed in Thailand.
Sophie Emma Rose, a vegan parenting blogger, was six months pregnant when she was crushed while riding her scooter.
The 41-year-old, who made global headlines for her push to ‘normalise’ breastfeeding older children, died at the scene of the crash with an 18-wheel lorry.
Yesterday her boyfriend Danny Glass, 29, paid tribute to her in a Facebook post.
He said: ‘I am in total shock as I’ve lost the most precious person I had ever connected with.
‘My brain keeps going into denial. I am distraught. She was also pregnant so I lost my child too.’
Sophie, from Blackpool, Lancashire, made national headlines last year after saying women should breastfeed until their children are eight.
She said her aim was to ‘normalise breastfeeding older kids’ and ‘expose it until it becomes part of normal reality’.
The last picture she uploaded to Facebook showed her sitting on a beach as she looked forward to becoming a mum again.
Partner Danny said: ‘I do not have access to all of her friends or family members so if you know any of them, please notify them that this has happened.
‘I need as much love and support as I can from everyone.’
Sophie’s YouTube channel ‘Sophie’s Joy Family Vlog’ – which shows her breastfeeding her young son – has amassed millions of views.
Speaking last year, Sophie said she didn’t want mothers to feel shame about breastfeeding and to bring breastfeeding into the public eye with her videos.
As well as breastfeeding her five-year-old son Shaye, she regularly shared a bed with him, home schooled him and raised him on a strict high-raw vegan diet.
Her last clip was uploaded just hours before the crash – a touching video of Shaye’s father visiting them in Thailand.
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