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Accessing The Help Of God - Dr. Paul Enenche

Seed of Destiny Devotional written by Dr. Paul Enenche

Seed Of Destiny Devotional

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Topic: Accessing The Help Of God

SCRIPTURE: I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. – Psalms 121:1-2

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: The Help of God is reliable, dependable and durable.

Our God is a God who has the capacity to help or hinder, assist or resist anyone.

When you are a candidate for God’s Help, you can never be helpless because His Help is superior to the help of man. This implies that the Help of God is reliable, dependable and durable. When you have the Help of God, you can literally go to sleep because the sustainability of that Help is guaranteed.

What then are the products of God’s Help?

1. It is the antidote to the fears of life:
Whatever you fear can be tackled by God’s Help. The Help of God is the reason your fears will not consume you.

2. It is key to deliverance from danger and battle:
It is the shield of the Help of God that makes you tread upon your enemies (Deuteronomy 33:29)

3. It is the doorway to supply and sustenance:
The Help of God arrests shortage and scarcity. If you are a beneficiary of the Help of God, especially when you are consistent with your covenant practices, you are not permitted to experience dryness, shortage or scarcity in life.

Remember this: The Help of God is reliable, dependable and durable.

1. Make demands on the Help of God at all times.
2. Be consistent in your covenant practices so as to be connected to the Help of God always.

PRAYER: O LORD, I ask for Your help at all times. Give me the strength, LORD, to overcome the battles of this life in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: When you are connected to the Most High, you have no business with the low-life. Culled from 365 WISDOM CAPSULES by Dr Paul Enenche.

DAILY READING: Ezra 10:1 to 44, 1 Corinthians 6:1 to 20, Psalm 31:9 to 18, Proverbs 21:3

TODAY IN HISTORY – 10/8/2003: Yuri Malenchenko became the first person to marry in outer space.

AMAZING FACT: There are more stars on planet earth than all the grains on earth’s beaches and seashores.

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