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Prayer and Thanksgiving - Dr. Paul Enenche

Seed of Destiny Daily Devotional

Seed of Destiny Devotional

Friday, 12 August 2016

Topic: Prayer and Thanksgiving

SCRIPTURE: Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. - Philippians 4:6

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: It is when you render your appreciation to God that your supplication is complete.

Our Lord Jesus taught us how to pray in the book of Matthew 6:9-13. He made us understand that supplication is not complete without appreciation.

From our anchor scripture, we are admonished to render our prayer and supplication with thanksgiving.

A thankless prayer is a useless prayer; it is like a meatless bone. Thanksgiving is fertilizer; what fertilizer does to a farmland is what thanksgiving does to man. So, it is very critical that our prayers be irrigated and fertilized with thanksgiving so it can be productive.

What do we focus our thanksgiving on?
1.We focus on Who God is and not just on what He can do (Psalm 136:1-2).

2.We focus our thanksgiving on our rescue by God from destruction. Every time God rescues you from destruction is an occasion for thanksgiving (Psalm 103:1-4).

Beloved, God is about to bless you beyond your wildest imagination. He is about to take you to a point where people will testify of His goodness in your life. Appreciate Him now so you can experience the completion of what He has started in your life.

Remember this: It is when you render your appreciation to God that your supplication is complete.

1. Go through today’s study again.
2. Appreciate God always for Who He is and not only for what He has done.

PRAYER: O LORD, I thank You for Who You are to me. I thank You today, I will thank You tomorrow and always in Jesus’ Name.


QUOTE: Every time we deprive God of our praise and of our worship, it is like we are choking Him. Culled from ALABASTER BOX by Dr Becky Enenche

DAILY READING: Nehemiah 3:15 to 5:13, 1 Corinthians 7:25 to 40, Psalm 32:1 to11, Proverbs 21:5 to 7

TODAY IN HISTORY – 12/8/1981: Computer giant IBM introduced its first personal computer.

AMAZING FACT: Seahorses are the only animals in the world in which the males, not the females gives birth and care for their young.

In This Page: Daily Manna Devotional, Faith to Faith Devotional

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